Finding a dynamic and flexible system to match their company values.

BES is a team of building enclosure experts that want to make a lasting impact on the built world. They work primarily with homeowners, new construction, and existing buildings. My role on this project focused on persona building, developing the user experience, further solidifying their brand identity, and building it in squarespace.

Through interviews and research I was able to build comprehensive personas for their four major stakeholders. There were three major business lines to their company including new construction, existing buildings, and condo associations. I was then able to pull out key persona traits that overlapped between each. All four demonstrated long-term thinking by wanting their buildings to last and ensure quality of life for those who will be living/working in their building. The second included Cap-X planning and budgeting where they wanted to understand which problems to prioritize and took precedence over others. Finally, all four were seeking experts who would present them with options, understood their business needs, and knew how to navigate the newest codes and regulations.

In the first phase of this project we were able to determine 9 core pages that were essential to telling Reliant's story and offerings. By creating an organizational system of group health and casualty coverage with two sub-pages nested in each, their audience can easily seek the information they are looking for. Testimonials, FAQ's, partner logos, and case studies are essential in providing additional context to their audience.

The color palette created was based off core building materials including red brick, blue slate, and light wood. The UI aims to find ways to balance imagery between the monochrome construction & building textures and people in the field. The size and overlap of the images conveys a clean yet dynamic system. The whole system is heavily based off a grid and is where the second main UI component comes into play. The use of the outline/line both in the button forms, testimonial callouts, and numbered list works to emphasize this grid.

Visit to visit the live site to see an adaptive and dependable design system.


Agency: In-house at Giant Shoulders

Strategy: Tino Chow

Brand Design: Sarah Pratt

Creative Direction: Sarah Pratt

Project Management: Nicole Eckerson

Brianna Bradley

Brianna Bradley

Brianna Bradley

based in Brooklyn, NY

= playable character